I wanted to work on this experiment because the United States doesn't do many school-supervised embryo experiments like the ones in Japan, due to not having the technology to research fully on embryos. Unlike colleges in America, some Japanese colleges work on finding ways to conserve and reintroduce animals. One example would be the Kindai University, a college that invests on fish farming and repopulating the endangered bluefin tuna- which is a delicacy that is extremely difficult to grow because of its low larvae survival rates and suicidal tendencies. The idea of being able to do a complex experiment that succeeded in Japan, a country with advanced technology and materials, is exhilarating. This year's theme, "Breaking Boundaries," fits well with my project because I will be hatching chicken eggs in an abnormal way, a completely different perspective of hatching eggs. It's a project that is thought outside the box and literally "breaks the boundaries." Aside from that, I want to be able to succeed in the experiment so it can also be used for conservation purposes in the United States too, although it would be on a small and unusual scale.