Hey guys, this is blog post 11, and FINALLY! The second batch of eggs are currently in the incubator, with the plastic wrap vessel! With the help of Mrs. Pearson (ECE biology and capstone teacher), Dr. Logush (former vet and currently genetics teacher) and Ms. Chochi (molecular anatomy, physiology, and neurobio teacher), I was able to crack the egg safely and transfer the content into the vessels. We were actually able to observe the chicken eggs’ beating hearts. I won’t be able to see the eggs over the weekends but I want to be able to get a video camera that can stay on for a timelapse. Anyways, I have to change the information on the opening of the chicken egg. I’m not able to do it like the original video (where the students just crack open the eggs with bare hands), but I am able to open it safely with some forceps. The results will definitely be changed compared to the sad ending of the first few eggs. Honestly, I’m thrilled that the eggs survived and I look forward to seeing them next week.
Tags: Productivity, Experimentation