Hey guys, this is blog post 13, and I’ve been working on the organization of the data that I collected so far. Apparently, three out of four of the control eggs in trial 2 hatched, so it was nice to see that the eggs had a good hatch rate (based off the control group, it would be 75%; but it would probably be a little lower if more eggs were done as control). So far the three chicks were named “Panther,” “Blueberry,” and “Carolina,” by my Mrs. Pearson’s son and daughter. I also started working on the discussion section of the results, adding in the graph to sort out what I need to talk about and how I should talk about it. The website is also still in progress so I plan on doing some more organizing again. I still haven’t gotten permission to work on the experiment over the weekends but if I do, the experiment will probably start in January and so on (due to winter break and such).
Tags: Productivity, Reflection, Experimentation