Hey guys, this is blog post 7, and the process of receiving the eggs got postponed to Sunday, meaning I will have to wait a little longer until I can actually do the experiment. This probably means that I might be a little behind on the timeline, but hopefully I can catch up. At least the presentations are finally finished, and fortunately I was able to buy the cups; so I can set up for the experiment beforehand, just to lessen the work I need to do when getting the eggs. I will be diluting the 50% benzalkonium chloride solution to 0.01% (which is going to be a pain to do), making a hole in the bottom of the cup to add the BKC solution and molding the plastic wrap with a hard boiled egg. Surprisingly, I was able to make contact with Mr. Tahara, and he was able to give me some advice on the maintenance of the shell-less eggs in the incubator. Putting the incubator at an angle with some type of object on one side, allows the egg to be rotated in the cup. This will definitely be helpful for when I am able to incubate the eggs.
Tags: Planning, Productivity, Experimentation