Hey guys, this is blog post 10, and I’ve recently been working on my capstone website. The eggs will be provided by one of my friends next week, so I have to wait a little longer. Right now, I currently have four regular chicken eggs in the incubator (the ones that were kept for control) to test whether the batch of eggs was good or not. I reset all of the materials ahead of time to prepare for the next time we conduct the experiment. Finding out when to get the eggs and do the experiment was one of the biggest challenges so far. The schedules never lined up and it was all over the place because of the dismissed school days that’s been coming along. Normally, students would be happy about it, but I couldn’t because it messed up most of the schedules I planned beforehand. Anyways we were finally able to decide that the week after next week, I will be starting the experiment. This fresh new marking period is definitely going to be the start on a round two of the project.
Tags: Getting Started, Planning, Experimentation