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Blog No. 8 - Task List and The Start Of Experimentation

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

Hey guys, this is blog post 8, and we are currently working on our task lists. Everyone wrote five different tasks that they could work on over the week. My five tasks were:

  • set up the plastic wrap and the hole in the cup

  • pre-incubate the fertilized eggs

  • set up the vessels for incubator when eggs are finished pre-incubating

  • place vessels into the incubators and are warming up

  • work and improve on my capstone website

The website task is a little vague but I will be revising the procedure (since I added more steps in detail), while creating a results section to fit into my due date. I was able to finish the first two steps, meaning I was able to get the fertilized eggs (yay!) into the incubator. They’ll be warming up for roughly 96 hours (almost twice the amount of the original experiment) to be on the safe side. I was able to make holes in the bottom of the cup with an electric rotary grinder, and the plastic wrap was molded with a wooden egg instead (a chemical flask was used to stabilize the egg and make the mold taller). Now I just need to wait until Monday to crack open the eggs, and I’ll try to get a video camera over the weekend to record full time.

Tags: Planning, Experimentation


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